Laura Regelsberger
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Laura Regelsberger | Lawyer, Senior Associate
+49 (0)89 890 555 6-0
Laura Regelsberger  |  Lawyer, Senior Associate

FOCUS: Intellectual Property Law, Commercial Law, Litigation & Dispute Resolution

RESUME: Laura Regelsberger studied law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and the Università degli Studi di Verona. She completed her legal clerkship in the district of the Munich Higher Regional Court and in Cape Town, South Africa. During her studies, as well as during her legal clerkship, she worked as an academic assistant at the Institute of Civil Law, Commercial and Corporate Law, International Private Law and Comparative Law under Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Kindler. She joined Hupe Gantenberg in 2019.

LANGUAGES: German, English, Italian