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beste Wirtschaftskanzlei 2023 Brand eins
Florian Schwepcke | Lawyer, Associate
+49 (0)89 890 555 6-0
Florian Schwepcke | LAWYER, Associate

FOCUS: Corporate Law / Mergers & Acquisitions, Commercial Law, Litigation & Arbitration, Italian-German Legal Matters

RESUME:Florian Schwepcke was born in Munich in 1996. After graduating from high school in Starnberg in 2014, he studied law at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italy) from 2015 on. After passing his first state legal examination (2021) and his legal traineeship in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Munich, he was admitted to the Munich Bar subsequently to achieving his second state legal examination (2023).

Florian Schwepcke works since 2019 at the Chair of Civil Law, Commercial and Corporate Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. with a focus on corporate law and Italian personal damage law, currently since 2021 as research assistant. In this context, in addition to his work as a lawyer, he is currently doing his PhD in the area of non-voting capital investments comparing German-Italian law systems at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

After working for the law firm Clifford Chance LLP, Florian Schwepcke joined the law firm HUPE | GANTENBERG in 2023.

LANGUAGES: German, English, Italian, French, Spanish


GmbHR 18/23 “Silent heirs as an instrument of succession planning for a GmbH“
NJW 28/23 “The effectiveness of setting a deadline for supplementary performance before acceptance“
NJW 19/23 “Possession and protection of possession in jurisdiction“
VersR 5/23 “The 'day-by-day calculation' of damages for pain and suffering - a mistake?“
RiW 7/22 “Forms of damage in Italian personal injury law“

Danno e Responsabilità 5/23 “Il danno da incapacità lavorativa generica qualificata nell’ambito della personalizzazione del danno non patrimoniale”