Laura Regelsberger, LL.M.

Lawyer | Senior Associate

+49 (0)89 890 555 6-0

Main areas of practice

  • Trademark, Copyright, Design Law
  • Unfair Competition Law
  • Contract Law and Litigation

Laura Regelsberger is a senior associate, specialized on Intellectual Property Law, Unfair Competition Law and Public Communications Law.

She represents and advises national and international companies in all areas of trademark, copyright, design and Unfair Competition law as well as related rights, both in contentious and non-contentious matters.

The focus of her practice ranges from strategic advice in trademark matters, to the management of a trademark portfolio, to the conduct of infringement, opposition and cancellation proceedings in relation to German, European and international trademarks, company names and domains. She also specializes in intellectual property litigation. Furthermore, she also provides counseling in the related fields of Public Communications and Press Law. She has extensive experience in civil law disputes as well as in contract drafting.

Recent work

  • Ongoing advice on Intellectual Property rights for the German subsidiary of an international group in the field of sports equipment
  • Ongoing advice on Intellectual Property rights for a contract manufacturer of cosmetics
  • Ongoing advice on Intellectual Property rights for the German subsidiary of an Italian manufacturer of household appliances in the premium segment
  • Ongoing advice in matters relating to publishing of statements their legal aspects for a publishing house
  • Representing the German subsidiary of a Chinese manufacturer of photovoltaic modules in and out of court


2010 – 2017:Law studies at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich and the Università degli Studi di Verona
2017 – 2019:Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Munich with a placement abroad in Cape Town, South Africa
2022 – 2024:Postgraduate studies for a Master of Laws in the field of Intellectual Property Law at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Professional career

2013 – 2018:Academic assistant at the Chair of Civil Law, Commercial and Corporate Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Kindler
2019 – 2024:Associate at HUPE | GANTENBERG Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB
Since 2024:Senior Associate at HUPE | GANTENBERG Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB


German, Italian, English